Personal Injury Law – Important Laws to Know


Personal injury is an ordinary legal term meaning an injury to emotions, body or mind, rather than physical damage to property. In Anglo-American jurisdictions, the term is most often used to describe a form of civil tort lawsuit where the plaintiff has been harmed to his emotions or body. It is also used in situations where an innocent person is held responsible for another person’s wrongdoing. Levilawny A typical example is a civil trial held to determine whether a police officer was guilty of brutality when arresting someone. An innocent man may be charged with the crime and later convicted because evidence pointed to the officer’s involvement.

Another branch of personal injury law is that of strict liability. In this provision of law, one party is held liable for injuries resulting from the activities of another. This includes situations in which an individual causes personal injuries accidentally by engaging in unsafe practices. The damages caused can be very substantial depending on the gravity of the act. If a business owner fails to provide adequate safety measures, for instance, he can be held liable for injuries caused by employees who work under him.

Another branch of personal injury law is that of negligence. In negligence claims, a person who has been injured is owed compensation for any injury that he has sustained as a result of another’s negligence. The same is true for cases wherein a product results in harmful side effects to an individual. These may impact his health or emotional well-being. In order to make a case for negligence, the victim must be able to point out and prove that the defendant was either aware of the dangerous consequences of his product or had a responsibility to ensure it was used properly.

Fault is another area where personal injury laws may impact a claim. If a driver of a car is found to have been driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, he may be held liable for the accident that resulted in his injury. Fault cases often lead to hefty compensation settlements. This is especially true if the accident was a result of the defendant’s negligence.

A civil lawsuit filed against an injured person may also be based on personal injury law. This type of lawsuit occurs when a person files a suit against another person or business entity over a tort claim. In such lawsuits, the plaintiff will demand compensation from the defendant to cover medical bills, loss of income or past and future medical care, and pain and suffering.

The other important laws are those that govern the handling of personal injury claims. One of these is the Tort Law. Under this law, all Americans have the right to file a claim against another individual or business entity over any type of tort. It is important to note that different states have diverse Tort Laws, so consulting with an attorney about your state’s laws is important.

According to personal injury law, personal injuries occur in three types: physical, mental and economic. The most common personal injury law case these days is the wrongful death case. In this type of case, a family member is killed due to the negligence of another party. Other examples of wrongful death cases include car accidents, construction or mining mishaps, and medical malpractice.

In addition to the most common law, there are also torts. Torts are generally considered to be civil wrongs committed out of anger. Common torts are slander, defamation, false arrest, assault, battery, false imprisonment, and malicious prosecution. These cases, along with others that occur in the personal injury laws, should always be handled by qualified and experienced attorneys.