Is it a crime to stalk someone on Facebook?


If that person chooses, he or she can exploit that information to track where you are and what you’re doing, even if you don’t want to be tracked. Keep a record of all incidences and report the harassment to local police.

Enable strong authentication on all your personal accounts. There are unexpected changes in your phone’s settings.

Internet of Things devices such as home assistants and security systems can pose risks too. They may be sending or receiving information that can be used to determine information about your day-to-day life or whereabouts. What’s more, as mentioned earlier, in-home cameras can be hacked allowing criminals to spy on and even communicate with you and your family members. We’ll go into more detail about this below, but it’s important to log any activity that makes you uncomfortable, even if you don’t think it constitutes cyberstalking at that moment. These situations can quickly escalate, so it’s better if you have a full record of all activity when the time comes to report it. A Virtual Private Network is a must when it comes to online security and privacy. It encrypts all of the internet traffic traveling to and from your device.

That data is uploaded, along with when the photo was taken. Check the settings on your smartphone to disable geotagging and be aware of how different social network sites use and reveal geotags of photos uploaded to their sites.

  • Never give your bank information to a stranger who has called you.
  • It’s a very specific event and odds are something may just come up in a search.
  • The practice of doxing, the online publication of a user’s personal and identifying data, is considered a violation of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

As such, if you think you’re being stalked, it’s better if your friends know to look out for anything out of the ordinary so it can be shut down before damage is caused. The UK’s original Protection from Harassment Act 1997 covered harassment but didn’t explicitly discuss stalking. The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 amended the former and introduced a new section (2A. Offence of stalking). As you can see from the above examples, anyone can be a victim of cyberstalking, and for any reason .

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Most social media platforms make it easy to report abusive behavior. Sometimes, cyberstalkers may send obscene, vulgar or offensive comments, social media follower or friend requests, or even outright threats. The stalkers may either attack the victims, which may distress them, or cause them to fear for their safety and well-being. They may also attack their victims’ family or friends to expand their sphere of stalking influence. One of the first things you can do to remove your personal information online is to reach out to people search directories and have them delete your information.

I also love it for concerts and other events where you’re prone to getting separated from the herd. Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles.

Laws against cyberstalking

Thankfully, there are lots of things you can do to help mitigate online stalking before or after it has begun. Of course, this is not to say that anyone invites this sort of activity. Rather, these tips will help lock down your digital privacy, limiting the ability of a malicious party to discover information about you and access your online accounts. In Utah, Loren Okamura was accused of tormenting Walt Gilmore and his adult daughter online for over a year. He sent threatening messages to the daughter and posted her address online. He also sent over 500 people to their home for unwanted services that included tow trucks, food delivery, and prostitutes.

They could also sell that data to advertising companies looking to turn a profit on your personal information. The last time I accidentally hit a like, it was on my ex-girlfriend’s post.

For example, if you know your subject’s name, job title, and location, you can probably find their LinkedIn profile. Let’s say you scroll too much and see that someone posts snarky movie opinions, or they have a cringeworthy taste in memes, or you think they smile with way too much teeth. While it’s important to listen to your gut about true red flags, try not to sabotage a date before you give someone a chance to show you who they are in real life. Once they give you their phone number, just type that into FB search and their profile will come up (if they’ve listed their phone number in their profile).

Be aware that engagement may escalate or cease, depending on the harasser, and be prepared to notify law enforcement. Limit access to your computer and other internet-connected devices. Enable security protections, such as passwords or biometric scans, so only you can access them.

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