We at MANIFERA are determined to provide you with the best Software Development services possible.


We have our Headquarters situated in Singapore while our development office is in Vietnam. Manifera has grown exponentially in the past few years and we hope to maintain this growth rate in the future. We, at Manifera, are determined to provide the best development services to our clients at the best price possible. Our dedicated team of developers and engineers makes sure that only high quality services are provided to our clients without any hassle.Image result for Offshore Software Development

Our exponential growth in recent years has been made possible by our experienced team of software developers and IT engineers. We offer custom software development for Web, Mobile and Business applications at a very reasonable budget, which has been made possible due to our dedicated team of developers and engineers in Vietnam. blockchain technology can be availed by small enterprises as well as multinational corporations. We also provide dedicated offshore software development teams for your business that can help your business expand by providing you with custom solutions for your needs.

In addition to Software Development, we also provide Blockchain development for your businesses. Our dedicated team of Blockchain experts, coupled with our team of Mobile and Web developing team, can provide you with Blockchain solutions specifically designed for your needs.

We, at Manifera, provide our services to countries from all around the globe. Our clientele is mostly from the South East Asia, Europe and the USA. Mutual respect and trust are the basis of our services, we wouldn’t be here if we didn’t have the trust and respect of our clients from various ethnicities and backgrounds.

Mr. Herre Wieger Roelevink, Founder and Director of Manifera, is an experienced project manager with an IT experience of more than 20 years. Mr. Herre Roelevink has previously served as Project Manager for various companies in different countries. His experience, of working in different countries with different cultural values, is the main driving force behind Manifera’s multicultural and diverse approach to business.

His vision, shared by our whole company, is to help our clients be competitive in Local and International markers by providing Software development services at best price, highest possible quality and according to the agreed upon plans.

Manifera has CloudsWork as a local partner in the Netherlands. This partnership has been made possible due to mutual respect and trust between Peter ten Hove of CloudsWork and our Founder Mr. Herre. This partnership has provided Manifera with onsite management in the Netherlands. Our clients in the Netherlands get to have direct contact with us, via CloudWork’s onsite management, and thus have their individual requirements met in an easy, effective and, efficient way.

Our goal is to grow along with our clients. We believe in delivering more than what is expected of us. In the future, we intend to keep providing our high quality Software Development services to our clients at the best price. Our Founder; our team of experienced Developers and Engineers; our communication; our cost-effectiveness and reliability; and our flexibility has made our company and we have every intention of going forward with these qualities.

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